суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

apartment jane lew rental wv

Every Saturday morning our little family goes to Eggiesapos; Cafe for breakfast. Today was no exception. When we got home, we arrived to one of the biggest doggity messes yet. A wicker basket of mine had exploded shreds all over the living room and amongst the pieces were empty milk jugs, a box of kleenex that had been gutted, miscellaneous bits of cardboard and plastic and an empty vitamin bottle.

So we just spent the last half hour turkey basting peroxide down the throats of 3 dogs, then watching the fireworks, and of course cleaning up the mess. We did it outside, so clean up wasnapos;t too bad, but when we got in, Daisy drank a load of water and then proceeded to upchuck a puddle about 2 sq ft. At least I got her on the linoleum before she blew.

And I still have to bake a pie and clean up the living room mess before my mom gets here and we go to a party tonight. At least Elisabeth is taking a nice nap.
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